Les news du Nanbudo Kaikan Project

Works are going on in Nanbudo Kaikan Dojo

We have not been able to communicate in this blog for several months, please forgive us. But works have been going on in the dojo meanwhile.
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  2213 Hits

The word of Léo Rafolt, Dai Shihan

New Nanbudokaikan project is a long awaited project of Nanbu Doshu Soke. The ambition and greatest wish for every Sensei is to have his own Dojo, a place to nourish and nurture his way, do, michi.

Doshu has managed to help lots of people all around the world in creating their dojos. He seldom opened them or participated in an opening ceremonies.
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  4123 Hits

The world of Mariano Carrasco, Dai Shihan

When I heard the News, some time ago, that the Master intended to open a Nanbudo Center in Toulouse, I felt a tremendous joy.
A few years ago, Doshu had told me about the possibility to move to Japan to create his own dojo of Nanbudo. As you may understand, the distance between Japan and France is huge and then we couldn't go as much to Kobe as to Toulouse.
And now, it's a reality !!!!!
Doshu Soke's Dojo is about to open !!!!!!
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  3137 Hits

WNF's Bureau visits the Nanbudokaikan Dojo

The Worldwide Nanbudo Federation's Bureau met in Toulouse, last June. They took the occasion to visit the Dojo and  see by themselves the works' progress. The lattest works were in the showers and changing rooms.
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  2414 Hits

A precious help from Jean-Marie Mangilli

Shihan Jean-Marie Mangilli teaches at the professional training centre for construction industry, in Neuchatel canton. He brought his expertise and know-how to the project.Jean-Marie just finished tile laying in this part of the shower. It is a very competent piece of work, worthy of a great dojo! Many thanks again to Jean-Marie for all the help he brought and is still bringing.
  2509 Hits

The word of Jean-Jacques Jobin

Jean-Paul our president has known how to bounce on the European Championship to announce the dojo of our Founder Master in Toulouse. This happy event.

As treasurer of WNF, and as a good Swiss, you are expecting me to call for your generosity for this project (that the Association Nanbudo Kaikan will welcome with greatest joy). If, several years ago the general assembly has approved this project, WNF finances today the launching of it but it is the Association Nanbudo Kaikan that is developing it.
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  3763 Hits

The word of Serge Salvai, Dai Shihan

Dear Friend Nanbudoka,

The dojo Nanbudo Kaikan will open its doors soon and we are at last going to be able to share these wonderful moments between us with Doshu Soke as at the time of the Dojo at the Capelette.
I want to thank you Doshu who has chosen the South-West of France to implant this place which will become the Nanbudo temple for all the Nanbudokas in the world.
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  2558 Hits

The word of Abdelali Fahim, former president of WNF

We are living today historical times. Doshu Soke Yoshinao Nanbu has given everything and will continue to do everything that can be done… and today, it is our responsibility to give back a minimum to this phenomenon of creativity but also to serve and perpetuate our beautiful martial art, Nanbudo.

The project of Nanbudo Kaikan is a beautiful opportunity. Indeed to have a temple of Nanbudo that will be our common asset is a chance that is offered to us.
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  2339 Hits

The start of the works

While the works begin with rehabilitation of walls and floors in the main room, a trench is dug in the corridor for taking water to sanitary facilities.
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  2821 Hits

At the beginning : map and permit

After visiting the premises, a map has been drawn in order to prepare first for all the works to be done in changing rooms and washroom facilities.

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  3030 Hits

Jean Paul Renucci's word

When in 2010 we voted in WNF General Assembly to finance the construction of a « Nanbudo Kaikan » dojo in Japan, I thought it was a very good idea but I believed it a bit too elistist considering the high cost of a journey to Japan, which many could not afford.

8 years later, after many talks and thoughts, it was decided to build this dojo, which was wished for by so many nanbudokas, in Toulouse, the “ville rose”, not far from the mythical dojo of ”La Capelette”, well known and worshipped by many older nanbudokas.
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  2004 Hits

First visit of the dojo

Construction works are starting. Doshu comes to visit the place.We can already imagine the future setting.
  1955 Hits

The dojo at the beginning of construction works

Dojo entrance in its original state : a door similar to others rue Larrey.Main room after the first works of cleaning up.
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The neighbourhood

The dojo is located rue Larrey in the center of Toulouse. Rue Larrey is close to Place de La daurade, a nice square with its typical brick buildings of the pink city. The dojo is located at a few hundred meters from the Garonne river bank, the river that crosses Toulouse.The Pont Neuf over the Garonne
  1982 Hits

Welcome on the Nanbudokaikan project blog!

Welcome on the Nanbudokaikan project blog!
It is with great pleasure that I launch the start of this blog today. You will be able to take part in this great historical moment which will see the construction of a new Dojo for an exceptional master, Doshu Soke Yoshinao Nanbu. An outstanding karate veteran of the 1960s-70s, creator of Karate Sankukai, Doshu Soke Yoshinao Nanbu has, following the tradition of the Martial Arts, given its name to a new school which will celebrate its 40th anniversary this year: Nanbudo.Stéphane Carel
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