The word of Léo Rafolt, Dai Shihan

New Nanbudokaikan project is a long awaited project of Nanbu Doshu Soke. The ambition and greatest wish for every Sensei is to have his own Dojo, a place to nourish and nurture his way, do, michi.

Doshu has managed to help lots of people all around the world in creating their dojos. He seldom opened them or participated in an opening ceremonies.

Furthermore, in a long history of Nanbudo, even in its pre-history, wether in Sankukai or in Shukokai era, he always established dojos as centers for his art, at Universities, Schools, in France or Japan, etc.

Ancient Nanbudokaikan was a beautiful place, not only for gathering practicioners but also for Doshu's experimenting in his Art. New Kaikan in Toulouse will surely continue this tradition, as a living laboratory for the development of Doshu's most beautiful creation, Nanbudo, as one of the most creative and inspiring creations in the wide world of Japanese Budo.

With enthusiasm and from the heart, with force, courage and conviction, this is a wonderful opportunity for the new blossom of Nanbudo worldwide.

Leo Rafolt
Works are going on in Nanbudo Kaikan Dojo
The world of Mariano Carrasco, Dai Shihan


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Tuesday, 15 October 2024